Stop Taking Things Personally Hypnotherapy by Suzanne Robichaud, RCH


Do you want to Stop Taking Things Personally? Are you ready to finally be free from having your emotional and mental state altered by those around you? This hypnotherapy session was created to help you free your mind from Taking Things Personally.

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Do you want to Stop Taking Things Personally? Are you ready to finally be free from having your emotional and mental state altered by those around you? This hypnotherapy session was created to help you free your mind from Taking Things Personally.

Do you want to Stop Taking Things Personally? Are you ready to finally be free from having your emotional and mental state altered by those around you? This hypnotherapy session was created to help you free your mind from Taking Things Personally.

Do you want to “Stop Taking Things Personally”? If you find yourself taking things personally, that is a great indicator that you are holding on to emotions from past experiences.

During this Hypnotherapy Session, you will release whatever it is that you have been holding onto that is causing you to take things personally. This Hypnotherapy Session will train your mind to Stop Taking Things Personally!

Listen repeatedly, commit to making this change!



“A week and a half ago I found Suzanne’s hypnotherapy meditations on Youtube. After a free session, I purchased stop taking things personally from this website. I can not tell you how much this has done for me in such a short time.
Over years I’ve always taken everything that other’s say to heart, let them push my buttons and feel not good enough, or “others probably know better” which has caused many triggers for anxiety. I have been to psychologists over the years to deal with past trauma’s, but what Suzanne does is instant. I straight away felt relaxed and can actually use the simple tools to work on things immediately, as I wrote down them down in my diary, what an eye opener!!! By doing this i could see what is ‘my stuff’ and what is baggage from other people (which we can’t control so no point holding on to).
I have a long way to go still as people pleasing has been a lifelong habit, but this is a great way to unravel all the thoughts and feelings and literally place them in a box. Thank you so much and I’ll be back!”

~ Claire, May 29, 2020

“Wow!!! I’ve been using “Stop taking things Personally” daily for 2 weeks now with amazing results. I am becoming constantly aware of the feelings, emotions and automatic negative thought patterns that have run my life on autopilot for so long. “Don’t take anything Personally “ pops into my head each time a negative thought arises. I then let go and make the choice to follow another thought of my choosing. Things do feel like they are happening in slow motion. Instead of an instant overreaction to a trigger, I now feel I have the time to recognise thoughts and feelings as sensations seperate to me. I am able to be immpeccible with my word. Could witness consciousness really be this simple?

I have listened to a lot of self hypnosis over the years and nothing else comes close to the relaxation, depth of trance and insightful messages Suzanne is feeding my subconscious. Her voice is so soothing and engaging. It’s obvious she has had years of experience with clients fine tuning her art. A wonderful blend of Spiritually and clinical hypnosis.

I feel amazing and my sleep is better then it has ever been. I have been regularly waking up the next morning after a refreshing sleep with my sleep phones still on after listening.

I really do appreciate such a quality hypnosis session being available at such a cheap price. Suzanne is also very generous with her time with answering any questions and listening to my life story.

This works !!!”

~ Chris, August 8, 2020

“Suzanne’s hypnosis is amazing – really powerful visualisations and affirmations that have a real and noticeable impact with repetition. Don’t Take Things Personally really gets to the heart of so much that causes me unnecessary anxiety. I recommend Suzanne’s tracks to everyone. Thank you!!”

~ Alexandra, May 9, 2021

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