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Suzanne Robichaud has over 15 years of experience working with clients to heal and change habits and behavioral patterns that have been getting in the way of their happiness. All of the Hypnotherapy Sessions provided here are the most effective sessions that have shown the greatest results with clients throughout those 15 years. All Hypnosis really is Self-Hypnosis, you are simply choosing to follow the hypnotherapist’s words. Hypnotherapy has been proven to be one of the most effective forms of therapy to make changes in our minds quickly and effectively.

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If you're struggling with self-worth and confidence, my self-worth and confidence building program can help you overcome these challenges and feel more empowered.

Or, if you're feeling stuck due to past traumas, my healing your inner child program can help you learn to love yourself again and overcome those deep-rooted issues.

And if social anxiety is holding you back, my overcoming social anxiety program can help you overcome your fears and feel more comfortable in social situations.