About hypnotherapy sessions with me

“Suzanne! My son was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO amazing today and got both of his shots!! It was truly amazing and I can’t wait for him to tell you about it! It took 50 minutes of up and down emotions with deep breathing, turning down his dial, blaring his music, telling himself “I can do this”, considering staying versus leaving a few times and lots of tears but he did it ? He is so relived and SO very proud of himself! It’s been a weight he’s carried for the past 2-3 years and it completely lifted off his shoulders today. He just wanted to “get it over with”. I can not thank you enough for all of your work with him!!!! We talked about you all last night and today, ‘hearing’ you speak to him, repeating all of things you two have talked about, all the techniques he has learned from you…it took everything I had not to cry in the nurses office with him today. I am beyond proud of him. You are one of the very few people in his life that really, truly get how terrifying this was for him.
There were many times over the past two years when I couldn’t see how we were going to get through this. It kept getting worse and worse and then with months of seeing a Child Psychologist and feeling like we got almost nowhere I was really feeling helpless. The best thing that happened was the day we met you and I am just at a loss for words with how grateful I am for you. I should have added that he didn’t even come close to fainting! he did have a very small amount of Atavan. But the amazing part was that he didn’t have to fight off the feeling of fainting…it just never came. It was amazing!"
— M.L., North Vancouver
"Letter 1 – “Am I eating more, absolutely!
I can only speak of my experience, I left your office and walked straight into a Lemonade stand. Recalling you asking me how I would respond to biting a lemon, I bought a drink. Admittedly little or no effect in taste, but I did drink more of it, nursed it knowing I must take in fluids.
I made pasta salad with Balsamic vinaigrette, my wife’s favorite, and a loaf of chocolate chip banana bread. As my wife was enjoying the pasta I had a taste, not a huge taste but a taste. I moved on to a grape and tried some banana bread. I know these sound like morsels but in the scheme of what I have been eating, it’s a substantial change.
So am I pleased with the result most definitely, but yes I am guarded as it is only fair to say we had one session and I think it is a good start. My recommendation to anyone in my situation would be to start early and have a few sessions – more is better. I will let the dietitian at the Cancer Agency know of my positive experience.
More to the point I am most certainly impressed with you and your work. I am an open minded skeptic. I wanted to address my lack of appetite on a mental level and I believe you significantly addressed that issue. Thank you so much.”
Letter 2 – “This morning I ate more at breakfast than in a full day last week!”
Letter 3 – ” I suspect you may find this bit of gratitude unique, since I saw you last I have gained about three pounds! Thank you.”
— M.L., North Vancouver
"Suzanne, when I first stepped into your office in November 2012, I was broken. I was on a lot of medication, lonely, and worried. Ten months later I am a different person. I would have never thought I would be this free in my life, my life is still coming together and the change is simply incredible. I cannot begin to even thank you for the amazing support, positivity, motivation and hope you have given me.
I have not gone back to the hospital since I started seeing you, I am off all my medication, I meditate, and I got off an ADHD medication because of the meditation we did, and the doctor said “you will be bipolar and have ADHD for the rest of your life”. I feel like I am proof that Hypnosis has changed my life in ways I wouldn’t have ever dreamed.
I am getting to my weight goal slowly, but most importantly the obsession is vanishing. With your words of wisdom and your incredible kindness and genuineness I would have never asked for any other help. I’ve been in therapy constantly since I was 15 years old, and nothing ever worked. I was abusing drugs, dealt with eating disorders, cutting, was a high school dropout and had no hope to live a so called “normal” life, but you Suzanne are amazing , not only are you great and fabulous at what you do, but you love it. You care so much about myself and all your clients. You can never find people that love what you do as much as you do. I feel like I actually matter and that I am not just another “appointment”.
You will always be in my heart, you helped me immensely. I totally believe people work miracles through us through God and you are a perfect example. You’re simply an Angel. Keep doing what you are amazing at, changing people’s lives for the better. Thank you Suzanne.”
— V.R., North Vancouver
“Thank you so much for following up with me! I am feeling quite excited about going on my trip and looking forward to the flight. I am still doing the exercise of confidently walking on that plane and finding my seat, flying and landing and meeting my family.
I was wondering if I could come back to you for a refresher just before I leave. I don’t know that I really need this but I thought it might make me even stronger. Any thoughts?
The night of my last session, I slept so well. I don’t think I have slept that well in years and I think it has helped my sleep. Might just be in my head but you are getting the credit!!
Tuesday was the anniversary of my Dad’s passing and I usually get in a funk about a week before the anniversary. I don’t want to see people, do things, just want to be alone. This is the 1st year in I don’t know how many years that the anniversary has not bothered me. I still remembered but it was a nice memory. Again, I don’t know if it is to do with the letting the control go or just in my mind but, again – you get the credit!
Let me know what you think about my refresher.”
- E.B., Coquitlam
“Just wanted to thank you again for helping me with my fear of flying/control issues. I had a fabulous holiday and the flights were terrific. I even slept in the plane which I have never done.
My cousin, in Scotland, said that she wanted your phone number because she wanted to thank you for making such a difference in my life.
I even when on the Funecular (?) Railway in Bergen. It went straight up the mountain, much like a gondola but on the ground. I really enjoyed it. Normally I would never have done that.
The cruise to Norway was great. We were over 40 hours on the North Sea. It was a but rough but I was OK.
I did not use any of my gravol pills as there was no need. Even although they had a seat belt sign up in the plane from Vancouver to Amsterdam!!
I am so thankful to you for helping me out so much. Take care! Thanks again!”
— E.B., Coquitlam
“I’m sorry to bother you but I HAVE to tell someone who understands how huge this is…..I DROVE!! I drove from Longview, Washington to Cannon Beach, Oregon (google it) in torrential rain, gale force winds and low visibility! I drove single lane country roads and 3 lane round abouts in town (and across a big scary bridge!!). I’m so proud of myself right now I could cry!! ? I did it!!!
I’m so happy with myself, especially because I didn’t woose out at the towns and made myself do it! More news….I’m really scared of water (because I’m not a very good swimmer) but my toddler was jumping in to the pool tonight….so I decided it was ridiculous that my 3 year old can do stuff I can’t! I had an attempt at something very loosely resembling a ‘cannonball’!! What a hoot – we ended up jumping in all night! I dunno what you did to me last Thursday….but do it again at my next session!! ?”
— T.W., North Vancouver
“Hi Suzanne, I just wanted to wish you a happy 2015 and give you little update…
Last year was a big year for me. I was completely burnt out and extremely unhappy in my job when I came to see you. After my extended leave in the summer time I decided to quit my job and am starting with a small consulting firm in 2 weeks. I’ll be able to work from home and will finally be in charge of my time and client relationships!
In the fall – I lost 15 pounds and finally feel like I have my life back!
Last but not least, my hubby and I are expecting a little one in June. We are beyond excited! Healthy pregnancy so far and really have had happy first trimester with no morning sickness (lucky lady!!)
I think about you from time to time and want to thank you for the positive energy you brought into my life last year. Although I was working with you at the beginning of my journey – you were a big part of helping me feel like change was possible ? I hope you are doing well and that 2015 is an extremely successful year for you. You are the best!”
— K.A., North Vancouver,BC
“I had been on a healing journey for the past few years with many epiphanies along the way but even though I had tried to put my new found information into practice I kept sliding back into old patterns. When I first contacted Suzanne I loved the way she approached her work with me, by treating the whole person/spirit, not just one issue. After only a few sessions I was able to finally let go of many old ways that were preventing me from being fully empowered. Suzanne has a wonderful, gentle way of working that brings forth ones truth. I would and have highly recommend Suzanne to anyone that is ready to step into their full power, to live a life with less baggage. I am so grateful for Suzanne and have enormous respect for the work she facilitates through hypnotherapy.”
— S.L., Squamish, BC
“I chose to try hypnotherapy at a time when I felt stuck and dissatisfied in life. The idea of skipping the conscious mind and working directly with the subconscious really appealed to me. Suzanne was the second hypnotherapist in my search and she was the perfect match to my personality; calm, understanding, supporting, informative, knowledgeable, caring and not pushy. She made me feel very comfortable and relaxed starting from our initial consultation. I knew something was starting to shift after my first session! After 4 sessions, I actually had a path to follow and things to explore! I would recommend Suzanne with North Vancouver Hypnotherapy to everyone. Thank you for your great work, I truly appreciate your help.”
— C.B., Vancouver
I was at the lowest point of my life. I didn’t know where to go for help. I stayed away from family, I lost touch with friends; I stopped talking, being a mute was the easiest way to cope. One day an old friend popped up in my life who told me what her Hypnotherapist did for her. I booked myself right away. It felt as if each session covered about 10 years of my life. Only 4 sessions later, Suzanne had helped me change my life, and save my soul.
— E.P., North Vancouver
“I cannot believe how good every morning is! I awake and feel like “here we go!”. It’s the best feeling!!“
— T.G., North Vancouver
“Just an update on how I’m doing. It’s quite amazing how much better I feel and how lighter my mind is. I’ve been able to eat without distracting myself (quite a first!!!) and am able to happily push food away when I’m satisfied. You are indeed a miracle worker! I want to thank you so much for helping me make this journey. You do lots of “home work” and I appreciate how much effort you put into doing it well.“
— D.H., North Vancouver
“I would like to thank you for all that you helped me accomplish, I came to you for help with one unhealthy habit, and you helped me change my whole outlook on life, I am living a truly happy and healthy life mentally, emotionally and physically and I am no longer experiencing anxiety…I focus on my successes and am able to accept the things I can not change. Thank you so much!!”
— K.T., Vancouver
“Thank you for the tremendous gift you so selflessly gave of self-hypnosis guidance. Your energy is so very healing, subtly powerful, and safe healing.I feel very blessed to know you, and to have been given the opportunity to deepen my meditation practice, my relaxation levels, and my overall sense of well being. The tools you gifted me with were tremendously helpful during my son’s birth, and for this I will always be grateful.”
— N.H,. North Vancouver
“I highly recommend the ENTIRE video (session) to anybody in pain! I cannot explain what an amazing video this is. I have shaken all my painful emotion out of myself. All. After I woke up from the session I felt like my body was a different body, one rejuvenated with life, spirit and joy. My skin felt different, my mind felt different, my eyes and the memory felt different. You saved my life Susan and I mean it when I say it. You had done it before with your “I am enough” hypnotherapy. You are probably the most amazing hypnotherapist I have come by. This video to yours I’ll share with anybody in need :) Thank you Suzanne :)“
— Nilanjana Haldar
“I've tried many, many hypnotherapy recordings but this is the first one that I actually felt like I went deep and after listening to this recording 3 times I believe I can feel a difference in myself. Thank you.“
— Boots Zara Walken
“Wow! You really nail it on this one, and especially for what it delivers in 11min., and also because you capture the essence of something special in texture of your words and the sound of your voice. Very powerful stuff! Thank you for an awesome mood elevator pick-me-up, and for all your other efforts, many of which have also been helpful to me. You are definitely one of hidden gems on YouTube. “
— michaelfallon7
“Thank you so much! I felt amazing during the hypnosis, and finishing up with a wonderful happy feeling. I will keep doing this every day.“
— Ajavilacuriel10
“Thanks so much Suzanne. I did this for 1st time just now and will try it each day as I really do have to change my anxious mindset. I listen to lots of great you tube talks and meditations that apply all the things you include, but I 'm delighted to find a short exercise that I can practice daily with you.... and hopefully achieve the results you believe can be achieved. I listen to your meditations, .and they help me sleep. But this one will be done in a chair with intention not relaxation!“
— Bernie Smith
“Thank you Suzanne. You deserve a lot more views for your videos but I want you to know, on my hardest days, my darkest nights, I turn to your videos for aid. I am thankful for you and your work. Much gratitude and love :)“
— 10teeleaf
“Thank you so much, this was the kind of gratitude meditation I was looking for, you just touched every important aspect of being "gratitude" and guided us to bring all the good things in our lives... thank you so much... thank you :)“
— Day Game 'Secrets'
“It’s working! I can frequently tune out of the sound of the tinnitus while listening to this audio.“
— Stan Peter
“That was beautiful....thanks so much for creating this meditation and channel.“
— Fabio Facciponte
“You saved my life. Tragedy and circumstances in which I had no control over sent me in a downward spiral into a deep dark place emotionally and mentally. I became more and more depressed and saw no way out. I began giving away everything I had. I completely secluded myself from everyone. No one knew the pain, anguish, and hopelessness I felt. I didn't feel like anyone would understand. Finally one morning I began to search for something, anything that might help me. I found this video and I felt like the sun came out for the first time in years. Things began to change for me and I had hope and I wanted to live. That was 2 years ago and my life has completely changed. A couple weeks ago I started my own channel in the hope that I can give back. I don't really know how and I don't have the equipment I need but I'm trying and I know that if I can help even one person then that's enough. You have my deepest gratitude. Thank you.“
— Just Be ASMR
“Thank you, that took me deep, and when it got to the book part I felt I was going to burst into tears, am I meant to just let it go at that point? I wasn't sure if, as I probably wouldn't have got to the end. You have a wonderful, beautifully calming voice and I am well grateful for your being. Much love Peace and Light to you.“
— OrbAl Turner
“That was so nice. Like a deep tissue massage for the mind body and soul. Completely got rid of my horrible pms I had this morning. Thank you.“
— Kayla Cervantes
“THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH SUZANNE. I GOT SOOOO EXICTED to see you uploaded a new video. I been listening to various hypnosis of yours here on your channel and it’s really, really helped me. I hope everyone finds you and benefits from your special gift of healing.“
— precious gemz
“Wow, I came to this channel to advertise something and your voice was just so soothing. Before I knew I I was on the floor crying, realizing and releasing emotions. Thank you. I will try for 7 days and let you know how it goes.“
— M J
“After just doing this I felt deeply calm and I am not sure I can recall being this at peace in years. Thank you for making this.“
— Antivlog
“Suzanne Robichaud I guess you hear it "all the time", but what you do here by sharing these videos for free is seriously life-altering for many people. Having the possibility to calmly and safely engage in high quality self-hypnosis and guided meditation at home is such a gift.“
— Unknown
“Amazing!! I listened to all 20 minutes without noticing. That made me feel so good and love myself. Thanks!“
— Eliya
“Hello! I want to thank you for your work. I have been using your guided meditations and hypnotherapy on You Tube for 2 years now. It has truly been a blessing on my path. I send you love, light and peace. If ever I am in your area of the world I will schedule a session. May you be blessed.“
— Christy S.
“Amazing!! I listened to all 20 minutes without noticing. That made me feel so good and love myself. Thanks!“
— Eliya
About my programs

Self Worth & Confidence Hypnotherapy Program
“I am really grateful to have come across Suzannne’s work last year. I was (still am) going through a rather difficult moment in my life when I discovered Suzanne’s hypnotherapy sessions – they completely turned my life around (I never thought I could reconnect to myself again, without the trauma and the pain). I have completed Suzanne’s “Inner Child” program very recently ( I noticed some shifts while I was doing the program; my way of reacting to things and interacting with others changed) and have decided to continue my journey of healing by completing the “self-worth & confidence” program. I can feel my self-worth & confidence progressively increasing thanks to constant repetition. It feels good! I highly recommend ALL of Suzanne’s programs/hypnotherapy sessions. I am a complete novice in hypnotherapy with no prior particular interest or knowledge in the field. However, I would like to say this: it works! It is worth it! You just have to keep an open mind and keep going. Suzanne’s work is great & really impactful. Suzanne, I can’t thank you enough for all your help!”
— Valeria
“I would highly recommend this program that Suzanne has put together for anyone on their own healing journey. The key is in repetition and I began to see changes in my thought patterns and emotions as I went through this 4-week course. It helped me navigate through a particularly challenging period and I’m really grateful to have come across her work when I did. I still have more inner work to do, but this course helped me believe that change is possible and to realign with self-love and daily self-care. Thank you very much, Suzanne!”
— Aria
“I absolutely have found this program profoundly healing and helpful on my journey to embracing self-love and self-worth. Suzanne has made the program user-friendly too. In the morning, on my commute to work, I listen to my active meditation. It sets my day out in the positive tone and energy that I wish it to go. This program is helping me build up positive belief systems and feelings while moving through the process of grieving, accepting, and healing from childhood trauma. It is teaching me to see myself and others from a different viewpoint. It is reminding me how powerful our minds and belief systems are. As a child, I was never really taught to see myself in a positive light and now as an adult I am learning and growing and realizing that I want to see myself for who I truly am, accept myself, and love myself. I want to feel worthy of all the good things in my life. I feel like I am finally getting to a space where I can start embracing and accepting myself and that feels absolutely AMAZING. I am so grateful for Suzanne, her talents, and the unique gifts that she brings to the world. I am so grateful for her program. I highly recommend it to everyone. The world needs more LOVE and LIGHT and it starts within us. 🙂“
— Liz
Healing Your Inner Child & Learning To Love Yourself Again Hypnotherapy Program
“I would definitely recommend this program. Prior to going through it I was having panic attacks every day and felt zero safety in my body. I couldn’t sit quietly for 3 mins let alone for a full meditation session. Now I’m able to relax for a full 40 min hypnosis session and my panic attacks have decreased a lot. I’m really happy I went through the program and I’m going to continue to listen to her YouTube channel as well as check out her other programs. I really can’t recommend her enough. The hypnosis inductions are great, the cadence is perfect and her voice is so soothing. You will not regret going through this program. If you use your phone to listen to it I recommend putting your phone on do not disturb mode so you won’t be disrupted. Also, headphones are better to use also as they help block out ambient noise and put you more inside the zone.“
— Paul
“This program is amazingly helpful. Through the program, I learn how to let go of the people’s circumstances and places that were bothering me and causing me to feel not loved, not valued, and not heard. When I let go of all of them, instead of getting the trigger of these emotions, I start to connect with life more from a place of now. I developed a much better dialogue with my inner child. My emotional reactions get less and less. Because many of them were coming from a place of lack. I feel more fulfilled and valuable. So I highly recommend using this program to heal yourself. It is a great asset and investment. Worth to do. You will see the results of the practice will get seen in your life day after day. Because I have noticed after this, healing till the release of the trauma situation internally continues and you will also start to remember the good things more from the program. And you will start to manifest things internally with a different state of mind. So lets you dive into the program and try it. I highly recommend and you will love it.“
— Duygu
“This has been a great experience!
After doing this session I really felt a sense of relief, relaxation, positivity, and safety.
Over the following few days, I noticed that I felt safer in my body and wasn’t having panic attacks every single day. This program really is helping my anxiety and sense of doom that I’ve been experiencing for the past year.
I’ve really loved the daily affirmations and meditations as well.“
— Paul
“Just finished the first session. I felt I had been missing a huge part of myself which now just feels complete. Feeling amazing about myself and am already seeing myself in a new light! This is magic. So looking forward to completing daily mini-sessions and next week’s sessions.“
— Shehbaz
“I was a little scared going down the escalator and into the hallway but I did it all fully. Before I got to the door, I felt I wanted to cry and so I did. It felt good. I do think I need to do another round of this session as there was more to be released. I enjoyed the affirmations afterward. thank you.“
— Zorika
“The confidence is building and building 🙂 It feels as though I’m anchoring in the words, and they’re translating to feelings in the body. Powerful stuff . Very much enjoying this experience Suzanne, thanks for offering it! I’ve found the hypnosis sessions powerful and impactful.“
— Yolanda
“Firstly, I can’t say enough about how effectively Suzanne’s programs have helped in managing my CPTSD and MDD. She has taught me many different ways to think and process my thoughts and I am actually feeling what happiness, safety and contentment feel like. I started by viewing some of the free sessions on YouTube when going to bed, they were so amazing that I made the plunge and downloaded her inner child program and wow, it really took me deep into my subconscious mind and changed my life by giving me a place to get rid of the things I experienced as a homeless child runaway in Los Angelos. Now I use her programs to help deal with all sorts of problems that come up in my life. Now for transparency, I do use them during my Spravato treatments and I have recommended her programs to others going through treatment and they all say the same thing. “wow, she is amazing and the experience changed my life.” I can’t recommend her enough, she is so good at getting you relaxed and going deep into your subconscious mind. If I am not in treatment I still listen to her programs during the day and as I am going to bed. Give it a shot, I promise you won’t regret it. You don’t need Spravato to receive the benefits of her work. Thank you Suzanne for all that you have done for me. “
— Vincent
“Very helpful. The reinforcement of daily (or more) meditation is helping me to Feel this more deeply in a different way each time. The prior years of living and feeling a different way, not knowing how the conditioning affected my way of life is just mind-blowing. “
— Charlene
“Excellent session! I feel like I am able to go deeper into my subconscious than I used to and it’s changed some of my thinking patterns for the better.“
— VC
“I really enjoyed your worthiness course. It was powerful! I am excited to start this course as well. I am healing from the mother wound and this course is the perfect next step in helping me build and get comfortable with the inner positive thoughts, feelings, and belief systems that I want every part of me to embrace….especially my child soul self. Thank you for sharing your unique and beautiful gifts with the world.”
— Liz